Sunday, March 28, 2010

Loas Trip in One week

Hi I am going to Loas in March for one week...Is it possible for me to conquer Loas in one week time to all the attractions in Laos like Vientiane, Luang Prabang, Bokeo, Xieng Khouang, Savanakhet and Champasak? Which one is the most worthy to go? How can i get to go there if my flight is touch down in Vientiane? Any budget hostel to recommend?

Alot of thanks for the reply :)

Loas Trip in One week

Impossible. You can make 2. I would suggest Vientiane and Luang Prabang.

If you mean hotels rather than hostels, what is your price range?

Loas Trip in One week

For a 1 week trip, then the usual suspects of Vientiane, Vang Vieng, and Luang Prabang are %26#39;do-able%26#39; provided you fly out of Luang Prabang.

I would do as Rufus advised, any more and you%26#39;ll simply be there and not really see anything! I would recommend catching a flight to Luang Prabang %26amp; back, it will afford you more time.

You can find places in Vientiane for as little as $4 (simple room with fan, shared bath/toilet), $10 or so for simple room w/toilet/shower and $15-$20 for a pretty decent place w/AC, TV, etc. Luang Prabang is overpriced so add from $5-$10 onto the above prices.

Hi...Thanks for the replys...

Do you have any guesthouse or hostel recommend in the range from $4 to $8 per person? Any website i can visit regarding of this? Do you mean from Vientiane to Luang Prabang we need to take a flight or we can travel by car,bus or boat? How long is take by car or bus from Vientiane to Luang Prabang? Is there any hostel or guesthouse do provide day trip aroud Laos?

A lot of thanks for the reply :)

You can fly or go by bus from Vientiane to LP. I would fly. The bus trip is 10 hours and the road is very windy.

Guesthouses in the $4-$8 will not have websites nor take reservations in advance (they don%26#39;t want to bother with flaky backpackers who sometimes don%26#39;t even show up). You can look for places when you arrive- there are dozens upon dozens, no worries...

Thanks for all the there any of the guesthouse do provide the day trip to bring us ard Vientiane and LP?

Thanks :)

You can walk to most of the sites around Vientiane, but you%26#39;d need a taxi to take you to That Lunag, the large Wat (temple) in town. Luang Prabang is 50 minutes away by plane. Once you arrive at the ariport, take a mini-van into the city, to your hotel. Hotels or local travel agencies can arrange daytrips to point so finterest. The town is small enough to walk around and see the sights on your own. Pick up a guidebook on Laos, like one the Lonely Planet has out. It will give you a lot of ideas on things to do andhow to plan your days there. This is very important since you only have a limited time there. Cheers!

While the trip from vientianne to luang prabang is is also quite nice. We actually did that in two legs, by stopping at vang vieng for a short time and we got the mini bus from vang vieng to luang prabang. the mini bus was a better trip than the bus. From Luang prabang we bussed it all the way from there down to Don det in one trip. We had a hell of a time and i do NOT recommend the 28 hours of travelling time by the time you get to your final destination, but we had no choice as all flights were booked for those next five days and we needed to get down there.

So from LP to South again we had the coach and you saw great scenery but no local life. When you drive on the windy road you pass through all the hilltribe villages and see some amazing things. It was a highlight roadtrip for me as i saw many things that really made me stop and think. the mini bus was only a little bit more and took 2 hours shorter time. The driver spoke to us and explained things to us and we got to stop for some great photo opportunities. it%26#39;s just a thought if you did want to take the transport instead of paying a lot more for flights.


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