Monday, December 12, 2011

Laos Trip

Can any one recommend a tour company in the uk for a two week trip around Laos .



Laos Trip

Does the tour operator have to be in the UK? Why not try a company like this?

Laos Trip

I am taking a two week tour of Laos starting next week with a company called Carpe Diem. The tour starts in Bangkok though I believe they will arrange flights from the UK if needed.

Another company that does tours of Laos is Explore, they have a variety of tours either originating in the UK or Bangkok.

Thanx for your very prompt answers ! Any advise on 2 week itinerary - best time of year gratefully accepted . We would love to see as much as poss without going to crazy . Do you think we could see Laos for £2000 per person inc flights from the uk or are we just dreaming . We are getting really excited just reading the forum !!!!

Again many thanks


December through March are the dry months, but they start to slash and burn trees at the end of February so there%26#39;s a bit of smoke. It tends to get bad with the smoke in March. Dry season also means a LOT of tourists, so if you pick a month like September, towards the end of rainy season, it will not be so crowded (and it doesn%26#39;t rain every day!).

You should be able to have a holiday for well under £2000 each.

You might want to check out Responsible Travel who are agents for a few different companies providing holidays to various far eastern countries including Laos.

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