Hi all
I think I%26#39;ve got the right website, but can%26#39;t get the online booking to work. I need to get from Luang Prabang to Siem Reap in May 2009, how do I book this?
Lao Airlines booking help
which website are you using? There are a couple of mirror sites out there.
Official website is http://www.laoairlines.com/
Lao Airlines booking help
You also need to use Explorer,as it does not work on mozilla etc.
hi there
loa airlines are only taking bookings till march 2009 - they haven%26#39;t released their flights for anything after that date - i have confirmed this via email.
i have asked when we can book - no response yet - will post again when i have an answer
this is not a problem with their website.
thanks nowrabase...
I was trying to look up April and May flights with no success and was going to email them.
Won%26#39;t bother now - will hope you post their reply, or the gist of it, on here once you receive one.
Cheers... wishtago :)
lao airlines are now taking bookings for next year beyond march; unfortunately prices look unchanged (i.e they are still expensive).
I also need to do that journey next month and the fare quoted on the Lao Airlines website is $220 which seems a lot. Can anyone offer any info on this? Is it cheaper to book in Thailand as I%26#39;ll be there first, but it doesnt leave a lot of time and I would rather know it%26#39;s all sorted beforehand. Thank you!!
Not cheaper to book in Thailand. A little cheaper to book in Laos.
The official Lao Airlines website worked for us, but ONLY using MS Internet Explorer; Firefox just stalled. Tickets were etickets and everything worked out fine.
The official Lao Airlines website worked for us, but ONLY using MS Internet Explorer; Firefox just stalled. Tickets were etickets and everything worked out fine.
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